Ambien Detection Timelines [INFOGRAPHIC]

Easy-to-understand information about Ambien detection windows. Discover how long Ambien really stays in your system and how it can be detected in blood, hair, or urine tests here.

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ARTICLE SUMMARY: This graphic shows detection periods for Ambien in your blood, hair, urine, or saliva. Plus, we explain which factors can influence how long the drug stays in your system. A visual representation of detection windows with a section at the end for your questions.


Ambien Detection Timelines [INFOGRAPHIC]

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Drug Basics

Drug Name: Ambien (zolpidem)
Drug Class: Depressants / Sedatives / Hypnotics
Street Names: No-Go Pills, A-minus, Zombie Pills

Who Gets Tested For Ambien?

Given the fact that Ambien isn’t considered a major drug of abuse, it is rarely tested for standard drug screens. However, some may be subject to additional drug screening for Ambien. This includes patients who are prescribed the sleeping medication, people in addiction treatment, or people sentenced in a drug court. On some occasions, employers required drug testing for Ambien, especially when driving or operatin heavy machinery.

The following individuals are the usual subjects of drug tests:

1. People with a criminal record.

The increasing number of individuals who use Ambien as a ‘date rape drug’ have attracted the attention of law enforcement agents. This led officials to believe that crimes may be connected to the abuse of Ambien. Individuals with a criminal record may also be tested for Ambien presence.

2. Employees.

In is a common practice of employers to test their employees for the presence of sleeping pills such as Ambien. Jobs that require employees to operate heavy machinery, motor vehicles, and any kind of driving and transport need to minimize the likelihood of mistakes. When an employee uses Ambien during working hours he/she endangers his and the life of others.

3. Military personnel.

Soldiers need to be able to think quickly, follow orders, and be highly aware of their environment. A soldier who has Ambien in his/her system may question the safety of the people around him and the environment.

4. Rehab patients.

People in drug rehab, or detox may be tempted to reach for Ambien again. For this reason, they are usually exposed to frequent drug screens that detect prescription drugs such as Ambien. When the drug test for Ambien of a person in rehab turns out positive, they may face penalization or detained for a longer treatment stay.

Detection Windows

How long does Ambien stay in your system?

Urine: Ambien is detectable in a urine test for 3 days after your last use.
Hair: Expect to come up positive on a hair drug test even if you took Ambien before 5 weeks.
Saliva: An oral drug test will show Ambien presence 8 hours after your last use.
Blood: In case you do a blood test, expect it to show Ambien presence in your system from in the range of 1 – 12 hours of your last use.

Want to learn more about drug testing and detection period? Download our free e-book The Definitive Guide To Drug Testing.

Factors Influencing Ambien Detection Times

Factors that affect and influence the elimination of Ambien from the body include:

  • age
  • body mass
  • food intake / hydration
  • liver function
  • metabolic rate
  • sex
  • dosage / amount taken
  • frequency of administration

IMPORTANT: Drug detection times in urine, blood, and saliva are an average and can vary greatly by individual. The information in this infographic should be used as a general guideline only.

Your Questions

In this Ambien infographic, we provided you with the basic information about how long Ambien stays in the system, and what you can expect from various different drug tests. Feel free to share your experiences and ask additional questions regarding Ambien drug detection windows, or about drug screening in general. We try to answer all legitimate inquiries personally and promptly.

Reference Sources: Medline Plus: Zolpidem
WSP: Zolpidem and Driving Impairment
NCBI: Windows of detection of zolpidem in urine and hair: application to two drug facilitated sexual assaults
About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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