Lee Weber

Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.

What is OxyContin withdrawal?

OxyContin withdrawal occurs when you body has become physically dependent on OxyContin. What does OxyContin withdrawal f ...

Tolerance to Adderall

Tolerance to Adderall develops more on a weekly to monthly basis, sometimes taking up to 6 months before a doctor has to ...

Is weed addictive?

YES. Weed is addictive. In fact, becoming addicted to weed is more common than you may thing. We review how you get add ...

Dependence on Percocet

Dependence on Percocet can develop within 2-4 weeks of taking Percocet (ocycodone + acetaminophen). More here on how to ...

How to stop taking Vicodin

When you stop taking Vicodin, follow your doctor's instructions to reduce by 10% daily, 20% every 3-5 days and then 25% ...

Tolerance to OxyContin

Tolerance to OxyContin means you must take increasingly higher doses to achieve the same inital effects. OxyContin toler ...

Is Ritalin addictive?

YES. Ritalin is addictive, especially when used without a prescription. We review what Ritalin is made of and how you ge ...

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