Lee Weber

Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.

How does meth work?

Meth works as a stimulant by changing the way the body processes chemicals in the central nervous system. More on the ef ...

Detox from Valium

Detox from Valium can take from a few days to several weeks. Learn about Valium detox protocols here, with a section for ...

Help for Percocet addiction

You can find help for Percocet addiction with your primary physician, at a treatment center or by seeking out addiction ...

Help for Vicodin addiction

A review of how to find and get help for Vicodin addiction in medical, social, and clinical settings. We answer your que ...

Xanax withdrawal side effects

Normal Xanax withdrawal side effects include restlessness, anxiety, and fatigue. But stopping Xanax suddenly can also in ...

How to withdraw from OxyContin

The best way to withdraw from OxyContin is under a doctor's supervision. Can you withdraw from OxyContin at home? Maybe. ...

Cold turkey hydrocodone

Going cold turkey off hydrocodone can be severe and is unnecessary. Learn more about cold turkey hydrcodone risks and be ...

Help for tramadol withdrawal

Get help for tramadol withdrawal first from your prescribing doctor. Ask for a tapering regimen and follow it. Then, lea ...

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