Top 10 recovery technologies on the internet

Find out what a chat, a ticker and tweets have in common.

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1. Directory of treatment centers

This is THE comprehensive guide to treatment centers and resources in the U.S. Operated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this directory helps you find centers by city, street, or zip code. The directory is strictly informational and will not provide endorsements or recommendations. All drug and alcoholism treatment programs listed in the directory are licensed, certified, or otherwise approved for inclusion by their State substance abuse agency.

2. Alcohol screening

Help yourself or someone else figure out ”How much is too much” by using this simple screening questionnaire. Your answers about alcohol consumption are compared to that of the general public to give you a better idea of possible problem areas. The process cannot diagnose any condition or tell you for certain if alcohol use is harming your health but it can give you an idea of how dangerous your drinking has become.

3. Addiction Recovery Tracker

Keep track of alcohol or drug consumption on a daily basis and the withdrawal symptoms on your taper program. This visual software program allows you to SEE the results of your recovery over time.

4. Clean-time tickers

Download an addiction recovery ticker that displays how long you’ve been substance-free that you can embed into HTML code. Or check out this sober calculator to simply calculate your clean time …it does the math for you!

5. Online radio

Find the musical genre of your choice to add uplifting and positive vibes to your day. Radio channels stream music FREE or you can sign up for a “VIP” membership to eliminate commercials. A wonderful way to reconnect with the rhythm of life and to seek beauty.

6. Forum discussion boards

Addiction and recovery forums allow you to work on the 12th step with others by sharing your experience, strength and hope with people looking for answers. You can even volunteer your time to become an official “Supporter” of the forums. The forums attract people from all stages of recovery and are a wonderful way to connect with like-minded people.

7. Live chats

Feeling a little lonely? Need a pick-me-up? Join a chat room and chat with people in real time. Instant connection for the modern addict.

8. Blogging

Often, writing IS therapy. Get your thoughts out into the cyberworld by starting your OWN blog. The process of creating posts can bring you closer to your values and sense of purpose. Try a diary-style blog for your own piece of mind … and network with others who are doing the same.

9. Email lists

Join an email list to receive daily messages to your inbox. Treatment centers an publication houses such as Hazelden offer an inspirational “thought for the day” related to recovery. Or, you can join in discussions the old-school way by joining a list serve. Whatever your fancy, just do a little recovery-related research and you’ll be hooked in daily. Keywords for your search: addiction recovery email list

10. Twitter

Stay in touch with your sponsor and your supports instantly. Twitter allows you to post messages and received messages to people in your network. (140 characters or less). You can post messages first from the web…and then via SMS from your phone. You are compelled to answer the question: ”What are you doing now” as often as you like. Basic updates are meaningful to your supports – especially when you’re in need of encouragement.  Just FYI, messages on Twitter are called “Tweets”.  How utterly cute.

About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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