Vicodin Detection Timeline [INFOGRAPHIC]

Vicodin detection periods vary from 12 hours to 90 days, or more…depending on type of drug test. Check out this infographic for ranges of detection times by drug tests.

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ARTICLE SUMMARY: This graphic shows detection periods for Vicodin in your blood, hair, urine, or saliva. Plus, we explain which factors can influence how long the drug stays in your system. Check it out!


Vicodin Detection Timeline [INFOGRAPHIC]

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Drug Basics

Drug Name: Vicodin (hydrocodone)
Drug Class: Analgesic / Opiate
Street Names: Vikes, Vics, Vicos

Used to treat pain, Vicodin is a combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Its active ingredient, hydrocodone is one of the most addictive synthetic pain medicines on the market. Because hydrocodone is made in a laboratory, it is called an “opioid”. And since it changes brain activity and function, this medication is scheduled as a Schedule II narcotic under the Controlled Substance Act.

Even though Vicodin has enormous addictive potential, a 2014 Customer Reports’ article reported that hydrocodone are one the most prescribed medications in the U.S. This statement in backed up by the National Drug Threat Assessment by announcing that in 2015, over 6.7 billion hydrocodone pills were distributed across the States.

Moreover, the DEA claims that:

  • In 2013, 136 million hydrocodone-containing products were prescribed.
  • In the first six months of 2014, 65.5 million hydrocodone-containing pills were prescribed.
  • In 2016, 6.2 billion hydrocodone pills were prescribed.

The dark side of opioids like hydrocodone is that they are addictive. In fact, hydrocodone can ruin your life. Recently, SAMHSA ‘s national survey on drug use and health reported that about 11.5 million people aged 12 or older misused opioid painkillers in 2016.

Also, the 2011 Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) report, claimed that about 82,480 emergency department (ED) visits were connected with nonmedical use of hydrocodone. Moreover, the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health  reported that 6.9 million people misused hydrocodone in the past year.

Basically, hydrocdone is not good news?

Reasons For Drug Testing

Vicodin can be detected in most drug screening tests for opiates. Some tests show the presence of Vicodin in the system for 4 days, while others can detect hydrocodone or its metabolites for up to 90 days. But why would you need a drug test for this painkiller?

If you have been using Vicodin under a doctor’s prescriotion, you may be a subject to a therapeutic drug screen. Others may be tested before employment. Also, emergency rooms order a drug test in cases of overdose or injury.

Drug Detection Periods

Vicodin stays in your system for different times for different people. And its detection window varies based on the drug test you are using.

Saliva: This drug test can detect Vicodin up to 36 hours after the last dosage.
Urine: Urinalysis detects Vicodin for 4 days after the last intake.
Blood: These tests can show theprescence of Vicodin for only 12 hours after the last use.
Hair: The detection period for a hair follicle test is about 90 days.

KEEP THIS IN MIND: Drug detection times in urine, blood, saliva, and hair are an average and can vary greatly by individual. This information should be used as a general guidance only.

Influence Factors

The actual time that Vicodin stays in your system will depend on some or all of the following:

  • The amount of Vicodin taken.
  • The frequency of your Vicodin use.
  • Your general health, age, weight, and gender.
  • Your individual metabolism of hydrocodone.
  • The amount of fluids taken after using Vicodin.
  • The amount of exercise you engage in after you took Vicodin.

As a rule of thumb, young bodies eliminates toxins faster, while older people with a slow metabolism can prolong Vicodin in the body. Also, any liver or kidney diseases can slower the elemination period of the medication.

Your Questions

Do you like our Vicodin infographic? Feel free to share it! The embeded code is right under the image. Moreover, if you like to learn more about drug testing, download our guide “The Definitive Guide To Drug Testing”.

But maybe you still have questions. In case you have any questions about Vicodin detection periods, post them in the comments section below. We respond personally and promptly to any legitimate inquiries.

Reference Sources: NCBI: Laboratory Testing for Prescription Opioids
NCBI: Opioid Metabolism

About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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