Lady Gaga quotes about drugs (INFOGRAPHIC)

Lady Gaga recently spoke openly about past drug use and her opinions on psychoactive substances. We’ve designed a KILLER INFOGRAPHIC – featuring her own words and experience regarding drug use – to capture them. More here.

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 Famous Addiction Quotes: Lady Gaga

For those who think Lady Gaga uses fashion and art as a mask, think again! Let’s face it, there is nothing about this famous Lady that can leave you feeling indifferent. In fact, Ms. Gaga recently spoke openly about her drug use. So, we decided to design an infographic (featuring her own words and experiences regarding drug use) to weigh in. Here, we explore:

  • Lady Gaga’s current opinions about drug use
  • Her personal thoughts and experiences about psychoactive drugs
  • How often and what substances she has used

Lady Gaga on drugs

What compels a successful musician to use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate? Did you know that self medicating and smoking on average 15-20 joints a day helped her cope with the pain from her hip injury and surgery. But, drugs weren’t only means to help her endure the pain, they turned into a coping mechanism. Lady Gaga admits her addiction to various drugs turned into a method of dealing with the fame.

Lady Gaga quotes about drugs (INFOGRAPHIC)

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Supporting a drug-free Gaga

We at Addiction Blog love Lady Gaga. And our love and support go out to her, especially since she announced her decision to quit all drug use. That means giving up the drugs that get her high and influence her creativity. Like many other people out there, she’s also scared and wondering, “Can I be brilliant without drugs?!”

What do you think?

Please let us know your thoughts about drugs, celebrity, and music. Or any combination of the three. And if you like our infographic, you can LIKE, SHARE, or post a COMMENT or question in the section below. Thanks for your support!

Famous Addiction Quotes Lady Gaga [Reference Sources]

About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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