Effects of oxycodone on the brain (INFOGRAPHIC)

Oxycodone and the brain Oxycodone, also called “Hillbilly Heroin” on the streets, has a strong abuse and addiction potential, but how are the functional and structural changes in the brain reflected in a person’s behavior, mood, psychological health, or emotional state?  We cover oxycodone side effects on the brain in the infographic above. More here, […]

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Oxycodone and the brain

Oxycodone, also called “Hillbilly Heroin” on the streets, has a strong abuse and addiction potential, but how are the functional and structural changes in the brain reflected in a person’s behavior, mood, psychological health, or emotional state?  We cover oxycodone side effects on the brain in the infographic above. More here, and a place for your questions at the end.

How the brain is affected by oxycodone

Oxycodone changes the brain by acting at the opiate receptors, and especially at the brain’s reward center. As a result, it produces the following effects:

Effects of oxycodone on the brain  (INFOGRAPHIC)

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Changes in the brain have an effect on your behavior, mood and emotions. Consequently, possible side effects from oxy, include:

  • agitation
  • anxiety
  • cognitive impairments
  • confusion
  • depersonalization
  • depression
  • hallucinations
  • mood swings
  • paranoia
  • sleep problems
  • violent behavior

Effects of oxycodone on the brain questions

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About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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