Surviving Christmas and family time tips for addicts

The holiday season bring us high or low. On either extreme, it’s a time of needed vigilance for addicts and alcoholics, a time when many relapses occur. So what can you do to buckle in and stay in the middle of your game? Here are some tips and suggestions for making it through December 25…and beyond. Other suggestions and experiences welcome.

minute read

It’s holiday time!  Bells and songs and tension and conflict.  The whole family package.  Often, family time can trigger old habits, including addictive tendencies that we can hold at bay in normal circumstances.  We revert to childhood roles long established, all the progress of sobriety dissolving in a sarcastic remark or snide comment said the wrong way.   So how can we as addicts deal with regression but avoid the danger of relapse?

Here are a few tips for keeping sane and staying in the center of your game.

Tips at Christmas for addicts in recovery

1. Open up to your recovery friends.

Invite a friend in recovery to join you and meet your family. Birds of a feather stick together, and there’s nothing like being able to roll your eyes with a fellow confidante. If you’re feeling a little shaky, bring backup. Friends in recovery will be all too happy to oblige.

2. Get thee to a meeting. 

Schedule daily interludes in the family craziness to visit the rooms of A.A. or N.A.  Checking in at least once a day will keep you accountable to your ongoing mental health.  Share about your frustrations.  It will make you feel better.

3. Pray. 

Memorize a little prayer of gratitude or of supplication.  Repeat as much as necessary.

4. Meditate. 

During really difficult moments, concentrate on your breath.  Notice what happens to your body when you get angry or upset or frightened or disappointed.  Where does the stress go?  How does it manifest?  Working with your negative emotions will help you understand yourself more and can help you learn to calm yourself during difficult times.

5. Know when enough is enough.

Stay for just the amount of time that you feel is required.  We are all obligated to our families, but we do not need to dwell in unhealthy relationships as active participants.  Make a commitment to stay with your family for a realistic amount of time…and if things get too crazy, bow out.  Losing face is less important than staying clean.

Ideas for Christmas survival

Do you have any other ideas?  How are you dealing with the season?  Any successes you can share?

About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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