How to cope with emotional abuse: Hope & Healing from Emotional Abuse (BOOK REVIEW)

Emotional abuse can leave deep and long-lasting scars in person’s life. But can we see them? Do we really understand the meaning of emotional abuse? Dr. Gregory Jantz’s new book can help you answer these questions… and better cope with emotional abuse. More on why you should check it out here.

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We here at Addiction Blog were recently introduced to the work of Dr. Gregory Jantz and his holistic approach to addiction treatment. With dozens of books under his belt, we’ve gone into the heart of the matter to learn about the trauma of emotional abuse…and want to share hope and solutions with you.

Here, we review why Dr. Jantz’s book, “Hope and Healing from Emotional Abuse” is a MUST HAVE for your personal library. We’ll review the take-home lessons the book offers and then invite your questions or comments at the end. In fact, we try to respond to ALL inquiries with a personal and prompt reply.

First, what is emotional abuse?

Emotional abuse occurs when a person is subjecting or exposing another to behavior that may result in psychological trauma, including anxiety, depression, or post traumatic stress disorder. Emotional abuse is often related to situations of abusive relationships (at home or work) and harassment. This type of behavior creates pattern of unfair and unjust treatment where intentional assault takes psychological control over the victim.

But what should really concern us is that when emotional abuse occurs early in life, it can cause dysfunctional behavior into the adult years. How much should parents be concerned? And how can you recognize if you’ve been emotionally abused in the past or the present relationship is abusive?

Understanding emotional abuse is key

Dr. Jantz’s book will help you identify the abuse and the abuser, while revealing how control has been established. Many forms of emotional abuse are identified in forms of spoken or unspoken messages directed to children that invoke lack of self-esteem and self-confidence. And it is first in knowing the pattern and recognizing emotional abuse that you can begin healing.

What will you learn from this book?

Through this book, Dr. Jantz can help you not only to identify the abuse, but also to identify the abuser. “Hope and Healing from Emotional Abuse” is filled with strategies on how to deal with moments of verbal abuse, as well as rebuilding the existing relationships on trust and respect.

While reading this book, you may find that you’ve been perpetuating the pattern of emotional abusive behaviors yourself. This book can help you raise your awareness and learn how to change behaviors. And that would be your first step. Acknowledging and becoming aware of abusive patterns in your life can lead to healing and recovering.

Why Do We Recommend “Hope and Healing from Emotional Abuse”?

We definitely recommend this book to everyone interested in learning about the damaging effects of emotional abuse, often at the root of addictive behaviors. If you suspect that you’ve been abused by a parent, partner, friend or colleague, this book can give you better insight into what healthy relationships mean and how to deal with dysfunctional patterns inside every relation.

Further, stories about survivors of emotional abuse described in the book help bring your understanding of this issue to a different level. While reading, you will be able to realize how often this kind of abuse happens without our knowing it. Then, we can begin to recognize the damage we’ve been inflicting on our personalities and relationships.

“Emotional abuse is so common because we have allowed it to continue. Affirm today to do everything you can to make it an anomaly in your relationships, not a constant.” – Dr. Gregory L. Jantz

Where to find it?

Wondering where you can find “Hope and Healing from Emotional Abuse”? To buy, download and read the book, check it out on Amazon ( or Dr. Jantz’s own website ( for more. Additionally, if you are left with any questions about this book, we ask you to post them in the section below. We also welcome your feedback if you’ve read the book, and invite you to comment and share your opinion.

About the authors: Gregory L. Jantz, PhD, is the award-winning author of more than dozens of books, including Controlling Your Anger before It Controls You. He is the founder of The Center • A Place of HOPE ( in the state of Washington.
Ann McMurray has coauthored several books, including Controlling Your Anger before It Controls You. She lives in Washington.
About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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