Recover to Live: BOOK REVIEW

Need a current guide to addictions and their treatment? Recover to Live is the ticket. Why? A brief book review here.

minute read

“Recover to Live”, by Christoper Kennedy Lawford, is an excellent resource for anyone looking to understand general and specific conditions related to chemical and behavioral addictions. Why?

1. Collaboration

The book is a collection of expert opinions. This is one of its stronger points: by gathering expert opinions (and I mean the best of the best) on addiction, “Recover to Live” offers a full and modern perspective on the condition.  Additionally, the credits at the end of the book can serve as a “Who’s Who” in the world of evidence based addiction treatment.

2. Breadth

“Recover to Live” covers many types of addictions, the cross-diagnostic relationships and causes.  I like the breadth of the book because it leaves you feeling like you’ve got all your bases covered.  And because so many addictions are interrelated (he covers this, too)…nothing is left out.

3. Intervention techniques

This is really a great book on how to reach people caught up in an addiction. While part of the target audience is the addict herself, “Recover to Live” does an excellent job reaching out and explaining addiction for family members.

4. Evidence based solutions

This book is chock-a-block full of reference sources, study references, and scientific data. Plus, it is geared towards addiction solution and treatment…pulling no stops to try to refer you and get you into a good treatment center for addiction.

In sum, Mr. Lawford is using his “Kennedy-power” for good. If you’re in the market for a book which can give you a holistic perspective on addiction, its causes, and treatments, go out and grab thee a copy of  “Recover to Live”.

About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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