Who needs substance abuse treatment in Florida? (INFOGRAPHIC)

Substance abuse in Florida requires treatment. Illustrations which make the need for substance abuse treatment in The Sunshine State clear here.

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Substance abuse treatment in Florida

Are you familiar with Florida’s addiction statistics and the need for treatment in the sunshine state?

We found the data shocking!

Who needs substance abuse treatment in Florida? (INFOGRAPHIC)

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That’s why, for us, it’s important to bring the matter to light. Not only substance abuse rates among people in treatment… But more importantly, we want to clearly show the number of people whose addiction problems are have not yet been addressed.

Substance abuse in FL

Did you know?

  1. Florida has the 11th highest drug overdose mortality rate in the U.S.
  2. In Florida, the drug induced death rate is higher than the national average.
  3. The need for substance abuse treatment in Florida is huge!

But, there is much more!

So, check out this illustrative data on drug abuse, dependence, and addiction in the State of Florida. We’ve taken statistics from SAMHSA, CDC, and Florida State’s own annual data. This way, you can view data about addiction in an interesting, understandable and graphic way.

We welcome your questions and comments in the section at the end.

About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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