Who needs rehab in Texas? (INFOGRAPHIC)

Texans need help for addiction. Just who’s using what? We review the stats on Texas drug use, abuse, and dependence here.

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Rehab in Texas: Who needs help?

How many drug and alcohol users are NOT receiving treatment in Texas? We asked the same question… and couldn’t believe the numbers we uncovered!

That’s why we want to bring light to the addiction treatment issues and the gap in addition treatment services in Texas.  You can see for yourself.  Just check out this infographic for more. Here is a brief snapshot what we cover:

Who needs rehab in Texas? (INFOGRAPHIC)

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  • A list of the most abused substances in Texas
  • Substance abuse and dependence rates in Texas
  • The number of people in need of addiction treatment in TX who ARE NOT getting help
  • Annual reports for alcohol and drug related fatalities in Texas
  • The number of minors, young adults and adults addicted to substances
  • Rates of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and illicit drugs use in Texas

Are Texas rehabs meeting demand?

We present all these statistics in a visual, illustrative and graphic-ized way, to help you get a better understanding of drug use, abuse, and addiction in the State of Texas.  Users are organized by gender, types of substances abused, and placed in different age groups of 12+, 12-17, 18-25, 26+, and 18+.  Plus, all our data comes from trusty government sources and their latest publications.

Some more shocking details we uncovered:

  • 14.4% of 18-25 year olds need, but don’t receive, treatment for alcohol use in Texas.
  • 40% of 9-12 graders had at least one alcoholic drink in the previous month.
  • About 190,000 youths reported illicit drug use within the previous month

We hope you find this infographic useful! If you do like what you see, feel free to spread the word and LIKE, LINK or SHARE it.  Or If you have any questions or comments, we welcome you to post them in the section below.  We try our best to reply personally and promptly to all legitimate inquiries.

About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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