Lil’ Wayne quotes on drugs and alcohol (INFOGRAPHIC)

“I’m a pill poppin’ animal, syrup sippin’ &%*; I’m so high you couldn’t reach me with a fuckin’ antenna” Other addiction quotes by Weezy? More here.

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Lil Wayne Famous Addiction Quotes B&WLil’ Wayne’s love for marijuana and alcohol

Lil’ Wayne is a Grammy Award-winning rapper known for his hit albums, mixtapes and singles. Another well known fact about Weezy? He’s definitely pro-marijuana.

Lil’ Wayne is toking up for sure and he isn’t concerned about it still being illegal many states. By now, everybody from fans to haters knows that he loves pot. In addition to smoking a lot of weed, he has admitted to drinking Purple drank, combination of promethazine and codeine syrup mixed with alcohol. But is he clean, or no?

Lil’ Wayne quotes on drugs and alcohol (INFOGRAPHIC)

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Clean or not?

While sober during his probation, in an interview Lil’ Wayne stated it was difficult to be clean. But, he also stated that it felt great. Lil’ Wayne has also reportedly stopped wearing his glasses after he broke his ganja-habit, he has become nicer and calmer…(well, we know quitting substances is a positive life choice).

Now, we invite you, our viewers to share your thoughts on this topic. So, give your support for Lil’ Wayne in his effort to sobriety. And if you have any questions for us, please send them to us through the comments section below.

About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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