Elton John’s quotes drug addiction (INFOGRAPHIC)

“When I was on drugs, there was a monstrous side to me, but I’m not really like that.”-says Elton John. Read more of his words on drug abuse and how he was lucky to survive.

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Famous Addiction Quotes Elton John [Reference Sources]Elton John says he could have easily ended up like Whitney

Elton John is a musical genius, has inspired many other artists and changed our lives with his voice and melodies. He’s doing the same by sharing his drug experiences in the hopes other won’t go down the same road.

We, at Addiction Blog believe people can learn from their own experiences as well as from other people’s mistakes. In this case, we hope you take Sir Elton John’s story seriously and avoid drugs or seek treatment if you’ve developed a drug problem. Here’s a visual representation of his own words. We welcome your comments and responses at the end!

Elton John’s quotes drug addiction (INFOGRAPHIC)

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A bleak picture

How bad was Elton John’s drug abuse and addiction? In an interview, he was quoted as saying:

“This is how bleak it was, I’d stay up, I’d smoke joints, I’d drink a bottle of Johnnie Walker and then I’d stay up for three days and then I’d go to sleep for a day and a half, get up, and because I was so hungry, because I hadn’t eaten anything, I’d binge and have like three bacon sandwiches, a pot of ice cream and then I’d throw it up, because I became bulimic and then go and do the whole thing all over again. That is how tragic my life was.”

Lucky to be alive

Well, he’s not wrong when he claims he’s lucky to be alive. On one occasion he’s even stated: “I didn’t want to end up like Whitney Houston and I could so easily have ended up like her.”

Now, a happy family man and a father of two, he is nothing like he was back at the 1990’s. He kicked his bad habit, and so can anyone else!

If you need help to find addiction treatment and support, please contact us through the comments section below. We welcome your comments and questions and try to provide a personal and prompt response. Also, if you like our infographic-SHARE it with others…you never know who will find it helpful.

About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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