Lee Weber

Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.

Is Adderall a narcotic?

YES and NO. Adderall is a legal narcotic and Schedule II drug. But Adderall is not a medical narcotic. More on narcotic ...

Can you get high on Wellbutrin?

You probably can’t get high off of Wellbutrin without overdosing on the medication. More on Wellbutrin side effects a ...

Can you die from taking Xanax?

Yes, you can die from taking Xanax, especially if it’s taken with other drugs or alcohol. Read more about this commonl ...

Can you get addicted to huffing?

Yes, it’s possible to become addicted to huffing. More on the health impacts of huffing, types of inhalant abuse, and ...

Can you get addicted to coke?

Yes, coke can very easily become addictive. We review how you get addicted to coke and how to avoid coke addiction here. ...

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