Lee Weber

Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.

Hydrocodone detection times

Hydrocodone doesn’t stay in your system long. Blood and urine tests probably won’t pick up hydrocodone if it’s bee ...

Can you die from taking Valium?

Yes. You can die from taking Valium. Valium is a nervous system depressant. Taking too much Valium can result in overdos ...

Can you get high on oxycodone?

Yes. You can get high on oxycodone. More on the adverse effects of oxycodone and risks of oxycodone addiction here. ...

Is codeine a narcotic?

Yes. Codeine is a narcotic. In fact, codeine is both a medical and legal narcotic. Codeine is also a Schedule II control ...

Snorting Vicodin

Is snorting Vicodin effective? Or should you take Vicodin orally? Can snorting Vicodin get you high? We review the dange ...

Is porn addiction real?

When does looking at porn cross the line from recreation to compulsion? More on porn addiction as a real problem, and wh ...

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