Lee Weber

Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.

Help for methadone addiction

Methadone addiction is real. Help for methadone addiction includes detox, physical stabilization, and psychological trea ...

How to withdraw from Spice

Spice is a synthetic cannabinoid that produces symptoms that are similar to cannabis, but can cause dependence and withd ...

Cold turkey OxyContin

Should you stop taking OxyContin cold turkey? Not really. OxyContin can cause severe discomfort if abruptly stopped. Mor ...

What is cocaine withdrawal?

Cocaine withdrawal is your body’s response to the absence of cocaine in your system. Find out more about what happes d ...

Tolerance to marijuana

You know you're developing tolerance to marijuana when you no longer feel its effects or need to use more marijuana to a ...

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