Does health insurance cover alcohol abuse treatment or rehab?

Yes, the costs alcohol abuse treatment can be offset by health insurance, but not always. Suggestion here on ways to use health insurance to cover alcohol rehab or how to secure alcohol abuse treatment with no insurance.

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Insurance coverage for alcohol abuse treatment

Depending on your insurance company and policy, alcohol abuse treatment or rehab may or  not be covered. However, more and more health insurance companies are recognizing substance abuse as a mental health problem that needs treated. To find out if your health insurance company covers alcohol abuse treatment or rehab, read your policy’s benefits guide or contact the company directly.

Does insurance cover alcohol abuse treatment or rehab?

Most people’s health insurance policies will not cover all alcohol abuse treatment or rehab expenses. Typically, you’ll still have some out-of-pocket costs.  Here are some tips on paying for alcohol abuse treatment using insurance.

1. Before checking into an alcohol abuse treatment or rehab facility, check with your insurance company to find out if you’ll need to pay a co-pay, deductible, or coinsurance..

2. A health insurance co-pay is usually a set dollar amount, and can range from $10 to $50 or more. If your plan requires you to pay a coinsurance, you will usually be required to pay for a certain percentage of alcohol abuse rehab.

3. Finally, if you have a health insurance deductible, you’ll be required to pay for any medical bills up to a certain amount before your insurance will start covering them.

If your insurance company denies your claim for alcohol rehab, you should first determine whether this type of treatment is covered under your policy. You can also try to appeal your insurance company’s decision by following the steps for an appeal closely. Evidence that treatment is medically necessary or that you were unfairly denied coverage should be included with your appeal.

Alcohol abuse treatment or rehab with no insurance

If you find yourself in a situation where you need alcohol abuse treatment or rehab with no health insurance, all hope is not lost. You can still get the treatment you need, usually regardless of your financial situation.

Here are a few options you can look into if you need alcohol addiction treatment or rehab with no insurance.

Alcohol rehab financing

Some facilities may offer in-house financing for some. If you qualify for financing, you will be able to make payments toward the cost of your alcohol abuse treatment. Securing financing is generally contingent upon a credit check, however.

Government assistance

Low-income individuals may also qualify for government assistance programs, such as Medicaid, which can cover the cost of alcohol rehab.  Otherwise, call your state’s Department of Health and Human Services for more information drug abuse programs whose costs are offset by federal funding.

Non-profit organizations

A handful of non-profit organizations offer free or reduced cost alcohol abuse treatment or rehab. Two of these groups include the Salvation Army and the United Way.  Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and SMART Recovery are free self-help groups that has helped many people overcome their alcohol addiction.

Sliding scale fee treatment centers

Many alcohol rehab facilities offer sliding scale fees to individuals who need treatment but are unable to pay for it out-of-pocket. Your fees will be based on your income, and you’ll typically only pay what you can reasonably afford.

Medical insurance for alcohol abuse treatment or rehab questions

Taking those first steps toward overcoming an alcohol addiction can be nerve wracking, to say the least, especially if you’re unsure whether your health insurance will cover the cost. If you still have concerns or questions about alcohol rehab and insurance, feel free to leave them in the comments section below. We strive to help each and every one of our readers work toward getting the help that they need.

Reference Sources: Wisconsin Department of Health Services: Benchmark Plan-Covered Services and Co-pays
Blue Cross and Blue Shield FEP
Health Insurance: What If Your Health Insurance Doesn’t Cover a Test or Procedure? What Can You Do?
ASPE: Affordable Care Act Expands Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits and Federal Parity Protections for 62 Million Americans
Treatment Solutions: Does Health Insurance Cover Drug Treatment or Rehab?
Legislative Analyst’s Office: Review of Health Coverage for Substance Abuse Treatment
SAMHSA: Acceptance of Private Health Insurance in Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities
About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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